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3.70 GB
中文名: 耶鲁大学开放课程:1648-1945年的欧洲文明
英文名: Open Yale course: European Civilization, 1648-1945
资源格式: RMVB
学校: 耶鲁大学主讲人: John Merriman版本: [YYeTs人人影视出品][中英双语字幕][更新第18节]
发行日期: 2010年07月02日
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
文字语言: 简体中文,英文
本课程提供从三十年战争到第二次世界大战结束的欧洲近代史的广泛调查。考虑到一些重大事件和人物如法国大革命和拿破仑,把注意力放在了一般人在这个动乱和过渡时期的经历上。 因此审视这段期间的历史我们应该通过人口变化、政治革命和文化发展的复杂关系这一镜头来观察,而不是单纯的将它视为历史的必然性,或者是伟大人物的安排,课本中还将穿插一些对艺术作品、文学和电影的值得效仿的研究的学习。
About the Course
This course offers a broad survey of modern European history, from the end of the Thirty Years' War to the aftermath of World War II. Along with the consideration of major events and figures such as the French Revolution and Napoleon, attention will be paid to the experience of ordinary people in times of upheaval and transition. The period will thus be viewed neither in terms of historical inevitability nor as a procession of great men, but rather through the lens of the complex interrelations between demographic change, political revolution, and cultural development. Textbook accounts will be accompanied by the study of exemplary works of art, literature, and cinema.
Course Structure:
This Yale College course, taught on campus twice per week for 50 minutes, was recorded for Open Yale Courses in Fall 2008.
有关教授 John Merriman
John Merriman是耶鲁大学Charles Seymour 历史学教授 。 他的专业是法国和现代的欧洲历史吧,并且获得密歇根大学的博士学位。他的刊物包括有共和国的痛苦: 革命的法国,1848年-1851年、 从文艺复兴及警察故事到现代欧洲的历史:法国政府的组成 1815年-1851年。 2000 年,Merriman 教授获得了耶鲁大学 Byrnes Sewall 教学奖。
About Professor John Merriman
John Merriman is Charles Seymour Professor of History at Yale University. Specializing in French and modern European history, he received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. His publications include The Agony of the Republic: The Repression of the Left in Revolutionary France, 1848-1851, A History of Modern Europe Since the Renaissance, and Police Stories: Making the French State, 1815-1851. He is currently at work on Dynamite: Emile Henry, the Café Terminus, and the Origins of Modern Terrorism in Fin-de-Siecle Paris. In 2000, Professor Merriman was the recipient of the Yale University Byrnes-Sewall Teaching Prize.
Class Sessions
1. Introduction
2. Absolutism and the State
3. Dutch and British Exceptionalism
4. Peter the Great
5. The Enlightenment and the Public Sphere
6. Maximilien Robespierre and the French Revolution
7. Napoleon
8. Industrial Revolutions
9. Middle Classes
10. Popular Protest
11. Why no Revolution in 1848 in Britain
12. Nineteenth-Century Cities
13. Nationalism
14. Radicals
15. Imperialists and Boy Scouts
16. The Coming of the Great War
17. War in the Trenches
18. Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning (Guest Lecture by Jay Winters)
19. The Romanovs and the Russian Revolution
20. Successor States of Eastern Europe
21. Stalinism
22. Fascists
23. Collaboration and Resistance in World War II
24. The Collapse of Communism and Global Challenges
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